Why MACC? What makes one congregation different from another? Why should I get up before noon on a Sunday? We all have a lot of questions when we start searching for meaning in our lives. We believe that our relationships are what gives our lives meaning. Our relationship with our family, our neighbors and friends andespecially our relationship with God. Most of us believe we already have a relationship with God but the god we have a relationship with is usually one we made up to fit what we believe a god should be like. That's usually just like us only better! But the God of all creation - the one that made us all - spent quite a bit of time revealing who he really is to us so that we might have a real relationship with Him.
Understanding our relationship with God is what MACC is all about. The God revealed in Scripture isn't some gray bearded old fellow sitting on a cloud somewhere looking to hurl a lightening bolt at us when we do wrong. Neither is He our good buddy who helps us hide the bodies! God is our Father but more than that He is our Daddy. That's what Jesus said we could call him - Daddy! That's a pretty incredible relationship. We'd love to meet you and discover more about this relationship everyone can have with Dad.
MACC exists for 4 purposes.
Make Disciples - a disciple is a church word for a learner. We want to learn more about Jesus.
Accept Others - Jesus loved us so much that He died for each one of us. We want to love as He did. All of us have a past. It's our future that's
important. Don't worry about the clothes you wear or if you can put anything into the collection plate. We just want you to feel
welcome as you come into the family.
Celebrate Jesus - Too many Christians look they were baptized in lemon juice or that there is prune juice in the communion cups! We want to feel
the joy of coming into the presence of the Dad who loves us and the Brother who saves us. Our worship style is a blend of
modern praise music and familiar hymns. we use keyboards, a few guitars and praise team to lead us in our music.
Commit to Excellence - We are a high committment church because we serve a high committment God! We expect each of us to do the very best
we can. In our family, in our work, in our worship, we realize that we may not be perfect but we strive for excellence. God
committed to leaving Heaven to come to earth as a baby. He grew among us and eventually suffered a cruel death that we might
live forever with Him. He proved the truth of all this through His resurrection from the dead. That is excellence. If He was so
committed to us to do all that, how can we commit less than our best to Him?